View Profile Louissi
Use this email for business inquiries: louissi@armorgames.c om

Age 35, Male


Cégep du Vieux Montréal

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Joined on 9/27/03

Exp Points:
2,030 / 2,180
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5.61 votes
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11m 30d

I meant djdaz22 and PotatoShreder

so many complaints... i thought AoW2 was awesome!

im glad the music from the first game is still there, i never get tired of listening to it... but i guess not everyone feels that way...

the backgrounds changing with the ages is pretty cool, i love the new units, the new looks for old units, the upgrades, etc...

im actually glad theres only one lane, the three-lanes that was originally shown on it, looked like it would just be too weird and tough to get used to...

if you plan on adding the three lanes later, please make it optional, cause i'd rather stick to a single lane... that just feels right.

great job on this game, i hope to see more games from you!

Its called 'harsh constructive critismism.' I was rating it and your getting on my ass for stating my opinion.
If you waited 2 years like we did and just got better graphics and more fancy gameplay, you would be a bit dissapointed to.
Go ahead, play the first and the second respectively and maybe, just maybe your see my point.
I never said it was a bad game, I said it was a bad game in the time he made it.

seroiulsy dude what happend to the three lanes you said it was going to be better its exzactly like age of war just with a few added ages anmd better graphics i was looking forward to doing it in three lanes it would have been more challenging no offence i no you put alot of work in to it but the games kinda shocking for like you making it for over 2 years

First I thought you can write comments to discuss... but it's just: Say what you are thinking about it and that's it oO
First I want to say I didn't see this: [Citation comment C0NN3R]| Other than that, I don't care about Multiplayer (Since it wouldn't be that cool IMO) and walls. I'm neutral with it. I only care about the quality and gameplay of the CURRENT game, not any promises that Louissi made since it's HIS game that HE made. Everyone should understand that not everything that the director of a game says about the updates of his game-in-construction is GUARANTEED. It is not.| in my next comment I wrote @C0NN3R I agree with you... But I agree only with the good / bad things (he wrote this great!). And to the citation I'm partly agreeing: You are right; it has no effect to the gameplay and quality of a game. You have to vote THIS, it's totally wrong to vote not all points because of some of his promises he didn't kept. The game is worth all points (PS: I wrote in one of my comments in the last line: I voted 10). You have to vote the game general although you are maybe disappointed because there are so many features not included the author promised. But if a director of a game says about the updates of the game-in-construction (like you called) he has to keep this promise - or simply he doesn't promise. General It's not really okay, if someone is not keeping his promises, he said to thousands (?) of fans. He should be more forward-looking, but I don't know, if something happened, he couldn't forecast. No wait: He had to re-code it three times; he made his game four times! Oo Yes, like I said, I'm partly agreeing... But I can understand that Louissi was fed up with age of war because he had to recode it... To begin he was motivated... then he just wanted the fans to be quiet about the game (i UNDERSTAND that, and i hope, the most of you UNDERSTAND that)
OK, now I have to block an offense: @Bryce0145: [Citation comment Bryce0145]| hey you try and make a better game if you say its bad (p.s I rated 10!)| Again: I think the game is great Oo If you say that I'm telling the game is bad, because I'm telling bugs and other things? Holy shit that's nonsense! Or is there another reason why you are thinking this? P.S: I rated 10 too! But, if you were right: I'm telling the game is crap; I rated 0 and so on... I'm a fan and I'm telling what I'm thinking about the game. And it's allowed. So why should I make a better game for a comment / rating? Game score = The average of the ratings of all fans ... And the over than average high score of this game is with good case ;)

P.S: [Citation newgrounds]| Leave your thoughts about: The game is out| MY thoughts, and ALL thoughts are okay (but I think my thoughts are in youre eyes quite okay now, or better: I hope)

~ Quicksmasher

hey everyone. i really like this game but as pointed as before me there are some problems but i won't state them because that would be redundant. about my 15th time playing it and i still love it. the lack of multiplayer was disapointing but we can live with it. hopefully you come around and answer one of us and as always we're eagerly awaiting you're response. when the countdown started i checked every time i could and had a window open. We know you tried and although some people are harsh, ignore the ones that dont help and focus on the constructive criticism.
Always Waiting for your next entry.


umm louissi what happend to that small game you said you would make? on post 16.

also age of war 2 was good but didnt you say there would be 3 lane thingy?

do you know why we most of us are saying age of war 2 was a bad game cause he took two long years to make it . he had so much hype built around it. no three lanes no multiplayer no walls. but what most of you are forgeting is that there were only like two more ages lol think about it

This game was the first Flash game I ever played.

It's nice to see it's still going.


Uh, as in the first one. :P

I was excited to play it and I can imaging the frustration of doing it over three times. No complaints except the gods wrath was overpriced to me and that there are a few bugs. Maybe in the future you should expand this by adding more ages.

@Quicksmasher96, second comment:
I understand you have a different point of view in keeping promises. But think of it this way; I'm sure Louissi himself would have wanted to implement the promises he made to his fans, everyone did as well. But what happened? He tested the game with those implementations and found out the particular updates were either adding too much lag to the game itself, created unbalanced probabilities that he probably will have to add a counter to the update(Adding more lag), or just not to Louissi's liking at all. Either one of those three could have been, perhaps more that I didn't thought of. I'm sure that many fans are disappointed that certain updates were not implemented as foretold, including myself. However, not everything is possible to do - at the same time. The balance between Louissi's liking and the Fans' opinion is difficult to balance, you see. I'm not a developer, author, or coder to know how these things work. It's pure observation and theories. I appreciate your compliment on my previous comment, it makes you out-stand from the average NewGrounds user.
Regardless, MOST people just seem focused on the Three Lanes, and walls. That's not the point of game sequels(And this is a fact). The main point, in my opinion, is comparing the sequel to the past game, marking the superiority and degrading.
||| Indeed, as I said before, I don't like promises that are made and not completed when the result is done. It would have been better if we, the fans, have been notified this update was not going to be implemented. That would have reduced our excitement. Sure, there were obviously going to be people disappointed, but it's better to find out sooner than later. |||


- Connor

@ C0NN3R: Yes, there is a comment ^^

I'm sure Louissi himself would have wanted to implement the promises he made to his fans.

I agree.

But what happened? He tested the game with those implementations and found out the particular updates were either adding too much lag to the game itself,

I didn't know that the features are adding to much lags oO. But if it's right, why there are no problems in this GAME TEST? <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxtnvebSpVY">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxtnve bSpVY</a>

created unbalanced probabilities that he probably will have to add a counter to the update (Adding more lag),

What do you mean with unbalanced PROBABILITIES in THIS GAME? Can you give examples!? (Or is there a need of knowledge about coding?) XD

If you meant that there would be unbalanced proportions: Only the units can have no proportions / balance in a game like this, but they are no additional feature, they are a basic element. But they even don't have a balance. I calculated... the units have totally wrong prices for their strength, and I didn't make the mistake to compare prices of (for example) infantry units of different ages. Only units of same ages were compared with each other. For a better balance there is no need for a counter feature; Louissi has just to change the characteristics / prices.

or just not to Louissi's liking at all

This might happened. But why did he promised then?

I'm sure that many fans are disappointed that certain updates were not implemented as foretold

Yes, many are disappointed because of this.

However, not everything is possible to do - at the same time

Surprisingly Louissi didn't managed to do these features in one and a half year? (I don't think there were lags [video], unbalanced probabilities / proportions WHICH NEED A COUNTER FEATURE or just things he didn't like [he wouldn't promise]).

The balance between Louissi's liking and the Fans' opinion is difficult to balance, you see

Sad, but its right.

I'm not a developer, author, or coder to know how these things work. Its pure observation and theories

That's clear. But you have great theories ;)

I appreciate your compliment on my previous comment; it makes you out-stand from the average Newgrounds user.

Thanks =D If this is saying an over than average user it's true ;)

Regardless, MOST people just seem focused on the Three Lanes, and walls.

Yeah, most people are really focused on these features. But like I said: It's wrong to vote bad because of wrong promises.

That's not the point of game sequels (And this is a fact). The main point, in my opinion, is comparing the sequel to the past game, marking the superiority and degrading

Yes, comparing is important. If the basic elements are better than the basic elements in the first game, it's very good. But if there are additional, totally new features it's good too. So I think a sequel should include the old rules + some new rules. This is a part of game sequels too, I think.

Indeed, as I said before, I don't like promises that are made and not completed when the result is done. It would have been better if we, the fans, have been notified this update was not going to be implemented. That would have reduced our excitement. Sure, there were obviously going to be people disappointed, but it's better to find out sooner than later.

Correct. Because of this the game is voted not as good as it should be.

Sorry if I didn't understand one of your sentences, my English is not so good and i was in a hurry^^ but I think I won't discuss about age of war 2 again: Louissi stopped maybe forever working on aow. At last something about the computer:

I don't like that the enemy's units are stronger/weaker than the units of the player in some difficulties... It's hard to program, but the comp should build better turrets and use specials more often when the difficulty is hard. (More enemy units are not harder because you earn then more money too and build even more units). Generally the difficulties are strange... (In combination what stupid things the computer enemy is doing!)
Easy / normal: Make both upgrades (Lv 2 is enough) for the slingers and make many slingers... result: You are the winner after 2 mins [don't forget: the enemy uses at beginning his special]
Hard / Insane: Make many turrets and use only units when they have a bonus against next enemy and they will fight inside of your turrets range, then you have enough money to upgrade your shooting units to the max before the Egyptians age... Then build only priests, which can attack enemy base although there is an enemy standing in front of it. (use specials!)... Result: You are the winner!

ok, i love the game but a couple of glitches.
1. music doesnt work when you return to menu
2. cannons and mages you dont need upgrade for.

Not a glitch, but the God's Wrath is grossly underpowered for its price.
And the turret range is terrible. On No.1 you could sometimes hit the base with your own turrets!

I like how the AI can use specials now, much better.
Better ages are good and so are changing backgrounds
Should have used music from the playtest
And i would have LOVED walls.

Other than that, it was worth the time. 8 and a half / 10

this is cccccrrrrrraaaaappppp
i sat and tryed to win for about half an hour but the turrets r ridiculously overpowered and caused a complete deadlock (this game sucks do not waste ur time playin it)

i won the game on hard on the cave man age took me 5 hours to master it lol but i am now the master of age of war 1 and 2 lol well not yet i got to do it on insane it will take me ages and congrats and thank you to louissi no one will be happy without you magnificent games bravo :D:D:D

and would everybody shut up about the 3 lanes its not there so just play the game he dident make the game for every one to complain about 3 lanes he probley dident put it on the game because of lag it took him two years two years of you all moaning at him about when the game will come out so give him a break he worked hard

Hey, @ All!

Good Age of War Fans, all of you, the Game-Admirer, Castigators ^^ (in matters of reviewing) and those, who just like the game in a normal way - You are invited to discuss about Age of War (1+2). Just say, what you are thinking about the first, the second or even both games. Say everything you want - just visit my profile and check out my latest news post! I'm glad about every comment ;)

P.S: Mastersam has an Entry for discussing about age of war 2 too! ;)

Post on newgrounds, please?

Post on newgrounds, please!? What's that supposed to mean? My account is on newgrounds? <a href="http://quicksmasher96.newgrounds.com/">http://quicksmasher96.newgrounds.com/
</a> Do you want to make clear that this is outside of newgrounds? :S

Maybe Im just too dumb to understand what you meant. ^^ I cant imagine that you really meant this...

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